People in SaaS are totally confused today. This confusion is everywhere. If you’re in SaaS, you need growth. NOW. Here's how to scale your revenue… fast… But first let's get clear on ONE thing: The ONLY thing that triggers growth is awareness [more...] 

The Wrong Way To Build A SaaS Business

Written by Brooks Van Norman

The most common mistake I see new SaaS companies make is thinking that hiring sales reps equals growth. But in fact, this is totally backward.  And this is actually a very common mistake. Consider a SaaS company that quickly got to $500k in ARR through [ more... ]

If you're trying to build a SaaS business with high valuation potential, you need to focus on metrics that matter. There are so many ways to measure a SaaS business these days, it's easy to get lost in spreadsheets. If you're focused on the wrong metric  [more ...]

4 Keys To Making Your SaaS Sticky

Written by Brooks Van Norman

I mainly hear one of two things from the SaaS founders who want sales growth: 1. I've got a solution that solves a specific problem and I need help getting clients for it. 2. My space is crowded and I need help standing out  [ more... ]